2016 Volunteer Recognition
MPPP Year End Volunteer Appreciation Awards
Jan Martenson - Volunteer of the Year!
Jan first visited MPPP on a public tour in October 2009 and was immediately entranced. She learned of a need for help with the databases used in the MPPP office and signed on as a volunteer in 2010, subsequently helping organize the library, both physically and digitally. Jan continues to work in the office at least once a week, logging in visitor data, tracking volunteer hours and contributing
as needed. She trained as a docent and for the last several years has handled the merchandise table at the end of tours.
Jan joined the MPPP Board of Directors in 2014 and serves as a member at large and is a member of the Development Committee.
Congratulations Jan! 2016 Mesa Prieta Volunteer of the Year!
Esta Gutierrez & Judith Chaddick - Education Award
Katherine Wells congratulates Esta Gutierrez and Judith Chaddick on receiving the Mesa Prieta Education Award. |
Esta Gutierrez and Judith Chaddick, both major contributors to the Mesa Prieta 4th - 7th Grade Curriculum, were recognized for their continuing dedication to introducing the curriculum to Northern New Mexico Schools. The most recent Teacher Training in September, 2016 had eighteen attendees from area schools including eight from Ohkay Owingeh.